Tuesday, April 27, 2010

For a limited time only....

Right now I am in the process of building a portfolio so I can turn my hobby into a business. I would LOVE it if some of you would allow me to photograph your children and your families to help me improve my talent and build my Portfolio. In return I will GIVE you a free set of 5x7 prints of the pictures taken during your free session. If you would like additional prints or sizes I will provide them at a discounted price. Digital copies of your pictures on a CD will also be available fo $30 each.

Please contact me if you are interested in setting up a free session with your child or family. This offer is good thru May 15th

Meri Conroy

A day with my Daughter and my camera...

Yesterday we were feeling a bit ambitious, or at least I was. :) So Hayden and I hopped in the car and decided to drive to Livingston, MT for the day to check out some good photo op spots there.... We ended up at the park. And that was about it. But we had sooooo much fun doing it. She's such a good sport about me having a camera in her face ALL THE TIME! She just does her own thing and when I say look at me and smile she gives me the moment then moves on. Man I love that little princess.... Guess she's just used to her Mommy with a camera! Here's some of what we did....

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Very First Photoshoot

So I finally recieved all my photo equipment and it just so happened to be a GORGEOUS day here in Bozeman. SO, my super supportive husband suggested we goto Yellowstone for the day to "test out" the new camera.... So off we went and had a GREAT time too! Here are some of my photos from the day... I'm just getting started and already really excited to make this more than just a hobby.

Friday, April 23, 2010